Sermon Text for November 3rd
on November 1st, 2024
Job 40:3-5Then Job answered the Lord and said, "Behold, I am insignificant; what can I reply to You? I lay my hand on my mouth.  Once I have spoken, and I will not answer; Even twice, and I will add nothing more."...  Read More
Day #2-Add Value
on November 1st, 2024
Day #2 – Add ValueIn addition to having an answer for my faith, I always had an answer regarding my work subject matter. In other words, I knew my job! I knew my craft, and I did it well. This leads to our next strategy: Add Value.As a child of God, you have to know your worth... But you also have to know your job. Imagine if you will for a second that Jesus Christ Himself is your supervisor… that...  Read More
Day 1-Be Consistent
on October 31st, 2024
Day #1 – Be ConsistentIn a world full of political divides, cultural clashes, and toxic work environments, it can be challenging to maintain our mental clarity, physical wellness, and most importantly, our spiritual integrity. However, God calls us to be salt and light in every sphere of our lives, including our professional endeavors. In this reading plan, we will explore practical strategies to ...  Read More
on October 29th, 2024
The most effective and powerful antidote for anxiety is thanksgiving and praise. When we feel it coming on or even begin to think about the possibility of it coming on we want to nip it in the bud. We want to immediately stop and "BOW." Here are three things to help us find the calm when we are encountering the overwhelming waves of anxiety.BOWBow before Him. Bring all of your cares to Him! Lay th...  Read More
on October 28th, 2024
Thoughts and feelings will come like waves on the sea and seek to capsize us. When these thoughts and feelings flood our hearts and minds like water into a boat, we are barely able to stay float.You may be afraid to face a new day troubled with thoughts and feelings like:A strange sense that there is an abominable sea monster lurking beneath the surface, circling and waiting for an opportune momen...  Read More
The Storm
on October 26th, 2024
THE STORMMany of us spend numerous hours of the day worrying and fretting over things we have little or no control over. Our stomachs churn, our minds spin, and our hearts hurt. We can't enjoy a beautiful spring morning, a walk in the park, working at a job we love, or being with the people we love because of the anxiety we are experiencing or the angst we are anticipating. What is it that we are ...  Read More
Sermon Text for Sunday October 27th
on October 25th, 2024
Job 32:8-9 But it is a spirit in man,And the breath of the Almighty gives them understanding.The abundant in years may not be wise,Nor may elders understand justice....  Read More
Can I Be Sure?
on October 24th, 2024
Can I Be Sure?Can you know the will of God for your life? After reading through this plan, I hope you’re confident that you can know His will in the grand, overarching plan He has for you. You can learn to hear Him at the great crossroads of your life and in the smallest details.As you journey forward, seeking assurance of His will for you, ask yourself the following questions carefully and prayer...  Read More
The Hindrances: What’s Stopping Your Progress
on October 22nd, 2024
The Hindrances: What’s Stopping Your ProgressAfter reading through the last few days of this plan, you should be gaining great confidence about knowing and doing the will of God in your life. After all, the One who spoke the world into existence is the same One speaking to you. And if He can set the sun, moon, stars, and galaxies in their places, He can certainly communicate His desires to you.So ...  Read More
Discovering God’s Will
on October 21st, 2024
Ways to Discover God’s WillAs we continue in our quest to understand and pursue God’s ultimate will for our lives, to follow are eight ways the Father helps us discover His will and the plans He has for us.Communion With God Through Scripture — Through His Word, God teaches us what the Christian life should look like, what no longer fits us as His children, and how to avoid the pitfalls of life (2...  Read More
God Will Show You His Will
on October 18th, 2024
God Will Show You His WillIn order for you to willingly participate in God’s plan, you have to know what it is. And you must trust and believe that He’ll show you His plan when you seek Him. So make the decision right now to believe this simple fact—your Savior wants you to know His will so you can walk in it.How do I know this?First, because it’s God’s character to reveal His will to you. If the ...  Read More
Can I Be Sure?
on October 17th, 2024
Can I Be Sure?Can you know the will of God for your life? After reading through this plan, I hope you’re confident that you can know His will in the grand, overarching plan He has for you. You can learn to hear Him at the great crossroads of your life and in the smallest details.As you journey forward, seeking assurance of His will for you, ask yourself the following questions carefully and prayer...  Read More