A Godly Influence

Then the lord said to Noah, "Come into the ark, you and all your household,
because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation" (Genesis 7:1)

The children of Noah faced a significant decision. They lived in a world (much like our world today) where everyone blatantly disregarded God. Wickedness was the norm. No one would have condemned Noah's sons for living evil lives like the rest of society-- no one except their father. In a world rampant with ungodly attitudes and every form of wicked behavior, they were fortunate to be Noah's sons. When their father invited them to spend the next hundred years building an ark in obedience to a word from God, Noah's sons had to choose whether to believe those around them or to trust their father. They chose to join their father. What a wonderful testimony of Noah's godly influence in his home! How fortunate for Shem, Ham, and Japeth that their father refused to compromise his integrity, even though everyone else in his society had done so.

Your life has an influence on those around you as well as your spouse. Your spouse and your children are profoundly affected by your choices. Those you work with, your neighbors, and your friends will all be impacted by your life. As the world around us tries to persuade us to follow its standard, your life should stand in stark contrast as an example of a righteous person. Your life should convince those around you of the wisdom of following God. Do not underestimate the positive effect that your obedience will have on those close to you.

Steve Byrd
Taken from Experiencing God Day by Day by : Henry and Richard Blackaby